arinih kan jumaat...
rasa malasss sangat nak kuar dari opis
tapi mengenangkan duit yang da takde sangat - ni gara² bayar agen maid, bayar itu, bayar ini dan terbeli stroller kat JB arituh... (cheh alasankan? padahal aku yang melebih² shopping online bulan nih!!)

maka terpaksa la jugaks ku keluar.. cari bank rimau tuh.. tiba² kepala aku teringat² kat Baker's Cottage. cam wiung wiung wiungggg gitu! siap dengung² laks tuh!! alahaiii telan air liur sambil drive!!

settle je urusan kat bank... zupp aku singgah presint 8 cari kedai itu leeerr... hampa sebab.. egg tart pojaan ati aku tu takdak.. (semalam pon carik kat BC Jusco Equine tarak tau!!)
tak apalah... dapat ler rembat beberapa ketuls lain... seketul untuk Locko, seketul untuk iQa (da tinggal lam kete siap²), dan tiga ketul untuk aku (cheh satu ketul aku suda telan dalam kete lerr)...
croissant puff ngan ayam bakar itu (plastik paling kanan) walopun tak lawa tapi sangattt sedap taww!!

sajer nak tepek pic ni.. semalam leh leleh air liur tgk menda² nih tau!! haiya... ini baby dalam perut manyakk sukak sama sayuran!!

jika kau menjadi aku, aku yakin kau mengerti....
tima kasih pada penyerah anugerah iaitu Ummi_Ina yang bersusah payah menyediakan anugerah khas untuk saya dan blog saya yang tak seberapa ini... (weh ni kes perasan weh! sapa kata ni anugerah khas??)

yang berikutnya: tag sempena breast cancer awareness month..

This one is all about breast cancer, which everyone knows is one of the most life-threatening diseases today. I’m doing my part in spreading awareness on breast cancer by sharing some scary yet so very true facts on breast cancer. Ladies, do take note!

* One in eight women or 12.6% of all women will get breast cancer in her lifetime.
* Breast cancer risk increases with age and every woman is at risk.
* Every 13 minutes a woman dies of breast cancer.
* Seventy-seven percent of women with breast cancer are over 50.
* Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in women between the ages of 15 and 54, and the second cause of cancer death in women 55 to 74.
* Risks for breast cancer include a family history, atypical hyperplasia, early menstruation (before age 12), late menopause (after age 55), current use or use in the last ten years of oral contraceptives, and daily consumption of alcohol.
* Early detection of breast cancer, through monthly breast self-exam and particularly yearly mammography after age 40, offers the best chance for survival.

Above facts taken from Women’s Health Organisation Forum.

and here is the logo...
to all my fellow bloggers who read this message, please feel free to grab this tag, help spreading the breast cancer awareness. Thank you!

jika kau menjadi aku, aku yakin kau mengerti....
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